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Journal of Marine Technology and Environment
ISSN (Print): 1844-6116   ISSN (Online): 2501-8795 (from Volume 2/2016 to present)
JMTE has indexing CrossRef with DOI (10.53464) for each paper


The Journal aims to be a depository of original papers reflecting efforts of researchers in order to achieve and disseminate developments in the field of marine technology and marine environment.

The Journal provides a forum for the discussion of current issues in marine science, environment and technology. The range of topics extends from research in marine science and engineering, marine renewable energy and sustainability, marine environmental issues, maritime safety, marine chemistry, marine corrosion and material science, ship design, building technologies, ocean engineering to marine-related research in the fields of environmental science and technology, oceanography, computational mechanics, risk management and information technology.

The Journal is published twice a year, topics being focused on key priority themes of protecting the marine environment whilst exploiting its resources, aiming the progress towards a more competitive and sustainable marine industry.

A DOI number (CrosssRef) will be assigned to your article immediately after publication which will make your research outputs easy to find, cites, assess and will also be linking out your content whitin the research community.
Submission tips I Publication and Peer Review Process
All article (s) should be submmited to our Editorial Office as e-mail attachment to 


  • Marine Science and Engineering
  • Marine Environmental Issues
  • Marine Renewable Energy and Sustainability
  • Maritime Safety
  • Marine Chemistry
  • Marine Corrosion and Material Science
  • Ship Design, Building Technologies
  • Sea & Ocean Engineering
  • Advanced Technologies for MET
  • Advances in numerical methods for marine engineering
  • Algorithms for multidisciplinary problems in marine engineering and other related topics
  • Risks in marine environment
  • Health in marine environment
  • Renewable energies
  • Climate changes
  • Editor in Chief – Prof. Eng. Panaitescu Mariana PhD. Constanta Maritime University
  • Vice Editor – Assoc. Prof. Eng. Memet Feiza PhD. Constanta Maritime University
  • GUEST EDITOR Assistant researcher Jawad  LAKZIZ
    Faculty of Science Ben M’Sik, University Hassan II of Casablanca, Morocco  – Guest Editor